
Process Characteristics

Most sanitisation processes used today in the disinfection of PPE and similar materials use liquid chemicals, heat and/or ultraviolet light (Ludwig-Begall et al. 2020). In contrast to AKILLE, all these processes present some disadvantages. Let us see which ones:

La maggior parte dei processi di sanificazione oggi utilizzati nella disinfezione dei DPI e materiali simili utilizza prodotti chimici liquidi, calore e/o luce ultravioletta (Ludwig-Begall et al. 2020). A differenza di AKILLE, tutti questi processi presentano alcuni svantaggi. Vediamo quali:

  • Liquid treatments require time- and energy-consuming drying devices, residual products can produce skin irritation, some PPE is sensitive to heat or liquids.
  • Ultraviolet light is inefficient for complex shaped goods with shaded areas in relation to radiation.
  • Aqueous Vapour is not suitable for sanitising surfaces composed of man-made fibres or chemicals, which due to the high temperatures would preclude their structural and therefore qualitative characteristics.
  • The use of Ozone, besides being extremely difficult to regulate and manage the flow, also affects the final quality of the materials processed.

In view of the fact that the sanitising process is of the ‘universal’ type, AKILLE can be defined as:

  • A DRY process under ambient conditions.
  • An ECONOMIC process:
    • PROCESS TIMES per SANITIZATION cycle in the order of a few MINUTES, from which follows:
    • (iii.) No need for special environmental conditions.
  • A GREEN process with ‘ZERO’ environmental impact (at the end of each sanitising cycle NO POLLUTANT SUBSTANCES ARE RELEASED into the environment.
  • A SCALABLE process.
  • A VERTICAL process.
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